Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Otto Club shoot - Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Aston, OH MY!

Mike here. I just thought I had to post something about yesterday's shoot for Boston Common Magazine. It's been far too long since I've shot anything with four wheels. It was good getting back in the saddle.

It all started Tuesday night when I left for Boston at 8:30 p.m. Normally it's only an hour drive, but for some reason it was taking a lot longer. Wait maybe thats because I was going the wrong way on the Pike for a good 15 minutes. I'm reading the overpass bridges "Weston" "Oak St. Wayland" and it finally clicks in my head I'm supposed to be going East on the Pike. After paying the toll, and then paying it again, I finally made it to my buddy Mike Shea's house on Charles St at about 11 p.m.

We determined that 4 in the morning was the right time to wake up, get ready, and get out the door to make it to the "Secret Location" about 45 minutes away. We stop for some gas station breakfast and were wow'ed by the wonders of the Blue Canoe. They had fresh pastries, good coffee, and happy employees that actually seemed like they were there to help you. Cool.

We met up with John at 6:30 a.m. He's a local entrepeneur that has started a high-end exotic car share club called "The Otto Club". Basically its a way to help defray the costs and headaches of exotic sports and luxury car ownership by using them on a points system instead of actually having to own them yourself. They maintain them, clean them, carry the insurance and other unpleasantries so you can focus on driving. No DMV, whats better than that?

We decided on a "Delivery" style shot for our first set-up. This home was for sale only a few weeks ago when the location was scouted, but when we showed up something was different. There were new blinds hanging. We rang the bell but didn't get an answer so we decided to just go for it and make it quick. Half-way through, the owner of the house came to the front door, slightly confused as to why there was $230,000 of metal in driveway. John was able to talk to her and she had a great sense of humor about the whole thing. Thank-you un-named home owner.
Rather than waking up her whole neighborhood by rolling the 360 off the trailer we decided to make a move to another location. After a few more pics we decided to head over to the "Secret Location" that these cars call home when they aren't with their owners. Before we got there we needed to pick up the Lamborghini Gallardo and Aston Martin DB9 Volante from the detailer. John spent a part our drive preparing us for the hard work ahead. He expected Mike and I to drive the Lambo and the Aston to his headquarters. THE NERVE! Begrudgingly, I got into the Gallardo, and Mike took the Aston. We had to make sure things were really clean and to blow the dust off we had to go out on the highway for a few miles and then turn around to come back. A tedious task, I know.

Once we returned, we set up for the typical hangar shot with John (the magazine's idea) and spent a good part of the time getting cars moved "just right".

You might look at this and say. What's the big deal? But its very tough trying to get a 450 H.P. sports car to creep along a few inches at a time, especially while 6 inches from another 450 H.P. car. John was a pro though, and he had oodles of patience for my perfectionist ways.

This is one of my favorites from the shoot. Hopefully they'll run this one in the Magazine. Who knows with art directors these days?

That's all for now. Man I love my job. -Mike

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