Saturday, August 23, 2008


So, do you ever come home from an event super exhausted, but it is like you are too exhausted to go to bed? I'm in that state. There is so much running through my mind. So much for us to do tomorrow...and in general. So much that this poor neglected blog needs to be updated on...but I'm too tired after today's wedding (and yesterdays...I know, shush, we normally only do one a weekend but we made an exception!) We have to tell you about Emmie's big news and post pictures from was an event, let me tell you, and we're about 5 weddings behind in blogsville...and some engagement sessions and some baby sessions...and some senior sessions. Have I mentioned that I want a magic wand to point at my screen and go "poof" and all of the bordering, uploading, posting would just be done...and while we're at it I have a couple of rooms in my house that need the wand now that the basement is 90% done--this week is carpet and then we can start moving into our new space. I'm babbling and I should be heading to bed, but I guess this post is just saying, "We're busy, but never to busy for you little bloggy..we'll be posting like madpeople tomorrow so stay tuned!!!"

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